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Tiktok Videos Can Now Go 10 Minutes Long!

TikTok continues to grow at a rate that defies description. Is TikTok still a short-form video platform? The controversial company announced that it’s expanding the maximum length for uploads to 10 minutes. TikTok has been testing ever-longer uploads for years, recently introducing three-minute videos last July, but this latest update is the largest increase yet, and will now roll out globally.

According to The Verge:

Although TikTok’s meteoric rise to popularity was founded on a never-ending stream of short videos tailored to catch users’ attention, the company has been pushing longer content for a while now. Longer videos allow TikTok to better compete with YouTube (which skews heavily toward lengthy content) as well as capture an older audience and increase overall engagement time on the app. At the same time, a switch to longer content may hurt the firm by limiting the amount of data it can collect on users’ watching habits, which is what allows it to customize the algorithms it uses to attract users in the first place. In other words: getting the length of content right is something of a balancing act.

Ironically, as TikTok expands to offer creators and users longer content, its rivals — spurred by TikTok’s success — have done the opposite. Instagram launched short-form videos in the form of Reels, YouTube has the aptly-named Shorts, and Snapchat offers what it calls Spotlight. All these companies are trying to get the formula right.

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